Photo: Marion Schönenberger
Project team
Maria Wyller studied architecture at NTNU and holds a Master's in Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research from the University of Stuttgart. Since 2020, she has worked at David Chipperfield Architects, focusing on conceptual design, small projects, sustainability, and research. She brought the research project idea with her to the office in 2020.
Hana Svatoš-Ražnjević holds a Bachelor of Architecture from Cornell University and a Master's in Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research from the University of Stuttgart. Since 2019, she has been a Research Associate and Doctoral Candidate at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) at the University of Stuttgart. Prior to her work at ICD, she did research on the reuse of reclaimed materials as part of her ITECH Master Thesis.
Project mentor DCA: Eva Schad
Project supervisor ICD: Prof. Achim Menges
Funding acquisition: Maria Wyller and Simon Wiesmaier (DCA Berlin)
External funding
The research project is funded by the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR) on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Building (BMWSB) with funds from the Zukunft Bau research grant.
Project contacts: Daniel Wöffen (content), Lukas Schäfer (finance)
Parts of the research were also supported by the German Research Foundation DFG under Germany’s Excellence Strategy—EXC 2120/1—390831618.
David Chipperfield Architects
Gesellschaft von Architekten mbH
Joachimstrasse 11, 10119 Berlin, Germany
T +49 30 280 170 0
F +49 30 280 170 15
info@davidchipperfield.de media@davidchipperfield.de
Institute for Computational Design and Construction
Universität Stuttgart
Keplerstrasse 11, 70174 Stuttgart, Germany
T +49 (0) 711 6 85 827 86
F+49 (0) 711 6 85 819 30
Anna Krtschil, Annalena Boye, Betty Huang, Britta Kurka, Christian Lorenz, Denitsa Koleva, Diellza Elshani, Eliza Biala, Fabian Eidner, Fabian Kannenberg, Felina Markens, Gregor Neubauer, Guido Porta, Harald Müller, Katja Hoffmann, Katrine & Anders Wyller, Lasath Siriwardena, Laura Kiesewetter, Marlen Beckedahl, Martin Reichert, Mathias Maierhofer, Matthijs Sioen, Michael Freitag, Pascal Mindermann, Robert Faulkner, Samanta Melnyk, Samuel Leder, Sascha Freytag, Saskia Frank, Sophie Frehse, Stanislava Svatoš, Stephanie Rösel, Sven Hoffmann, Thomas Benk, Tobias Schwinn, Ulrike Eberhardt, Wiebke Ahues, Zuardin Akbar.
and the Grundstückgesellschaft Joachimstraße 11 GmbH & Co KG for the material.